A treated wood seller, a spring maker, and a risk management company bought domain names.

Sedo had a shocking sale this week: 789 .win for $78,900. I don’t know what to make of this. .Win has been (oddly) co-opted by the far right, but my guess is this purchase involves someone in China.
The top .com sale, matched.com for $62,380, has new nameservers at Inforent but isn’t resolving yet.
Here’s a list of end user domain name sales that just completed at Sedo. You can view previous lists like this here.
Viance.com $18,230 – Viance sells treated wood. It forwards this to the nice domain treatedwood.com.
Reset.in $9,999 – Wow, was this a necessary purchase! Wellness products company r3set forwards this domain to its site at r3set.in.
Alcomex.com $8,000 – Alcomex Springs makes customized springs.
ElitKlinik.com $7,823 – Elit Klinik, a cosmetic surgery business, uses this domain. It forwards it to the matching .com.tr domain name.
Beyond.ch €5,999 – Risk management company Beyond forwards this to its website BeyondStrategy.ch.
Deutschlandatlas.de €5,950 – This domain forwards to a page on bund.de. My understanding is that this is a German government site.
Biblio.de €4,990 – Biblio sells books, including collectible and rare books. It forwards this domain to its site at biblio.com.
Rushd.com €3,900  – I’m not sure who bought it, but they put up a logo and coming soon page, including language in English and what I believe is Arabic.
Starcade.de €3,199 – This domain forwards to a hair salon in Berlin called Cheap & Style. I’m not sure what the connection is.
PowerPass.de €2,999 – PowerPass will help businesses generate energy certificates for their buildings.
ProWallet.de €2,500 – Online wallet seller ProWallet forwards this domain to ProWallet.nl.
Post link: This week’s 11 end user domain sales
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By 9jabook