PayPal UK Ltd – We have moved!

Dear Abiodun,

PayPal UK Ltd – We have moved!

We are writing to let you know that we moved our registered office on 11 December 2024. Our new registered office address is as follows:

5 Fleet Place
United Kingdom

You do not need to take any action and can continue to use our services as normal.

Thank you,


We are sending this email to notify you of the change to our registered office address. This message is not affected by your marketing preferences.
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Phishing emails tend to have generic greetings such as “Dear PayPal member”. Emails from PayPal will always contain your full name.

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PayPal UK Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as an electronic money institution (firm reference number 994790); in relation to its regulated consumer credit activities (firm reference number 996405); and for the provision of cryptocurrency services (firm reference number 1000741). Some products and services, such as PayPal Pay in 3 and PayPal Working Capital, are not regulated by the FCA and may offer a lower level of protection. Please read product terms for further details. PayPal UK Ltd’s company number is 14741686. Its registered office is 5 Fleet Place, London, United Kingdom, EC4M 7RD.