Browser Extension that helps you identify technologies on Websites .
1. Hunter
Hunter is the leading solution to find and verify professional email addresses. Start using Hunter and connect with the people that matter for your business.
Beatrice Carraro
Easy to use, great UX. Have used it for ages.
2. Siftery
Share products you use at work,explore what others are using
romana melnyk
3. Webapplizer
Wappalyzer is a browser extension that uncovers the technologies used on websites. It detects content management systems, eCommerce platforms, web servers, JavaScript frameworks, analytics tools and many more.
Petter Andersson
Brilliant and simple tool to check what tech stack your prospects leverage. Makes segmenting and filtering of prospects better and dialogue more relevant.
4. SiteStacks for Chrome
SiteStacks for Chrome is a lightweight, yet powerful application to reveal the technology behind any website
My Codeless Website
5. My Codeless Website
My Codeless Website is a website scanner that detects themes, page builders, plugins, and tracking tools. It’s a super simple tool to get a quick summary of any website.